Sabo: Strategic partnership with Ziko

Sabo SpA, a producer of hindered amine light stabilisers (HALS), and Ziko Ltd, a supplier of UV absorbers and heat stabilisers, announced that they have entered into a strategic partnership on the UV formamidine class UV absorber Sabo Stab UV1. Ziko has one of the biggest production capacities for the formamidine class UV absorber. According to Sabo, the demand for the product has been steadily increasing and is expected to continue to grow for applications in polyurethane based thermoplastics and sealants.

The demand for Sabo Stab UV1 is expected to continue to grow for applications in polyurethane based thermoplastics and sealants (Source: Sabo)

“The collaboration with Ziko Ltd will allow Sabo SpA to offer enhanced security of supply on exclusive basis to its European customers complemented by the established range of high-performance HALS solutions,” said Alberto Vischetti, Global Head Plastic Additives Sabo SpA.

“We are confident that we will build with Sabo SpA a long-term and successful relationship and strengthen our global presence and awareness through the partnership with Sabo SpA on Sabo Stab UV1,” said Takjun Lee, Vice President of Ziko Ltd.

Sabo operates from its headquarters in Italy and from Sabo International SA in Basel, Switzerland. The company is active in the development and manufacturing of light stabilisers for plastics and of speciality chemicals, including ingredients and surfactants for application in plastics, personal care and industrial applications.