Call for Papers and Posters: CPI 2020 Polyurethanes Technical Conference

The Center for the Polyurethanes Industry (CPI) of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) will host its 63rd Polyurethanes Technical Conference from 5 – 7 October 2020 at the Marriott Rivercenter in San Antonio, TX, USA. The organiser has issued a Call for Papers and a Call for Posters to be presented at the annual event.

As the longest-running polyurethanes conference in North America, CPI’s annual conference convenes technical experts, industry leaders, and downstream users for a unique convergence of scientific presentations, professional networking, and regulatory insight. The event will highlight the latest, innovative polyurethanes technology and discuss the most pressing issues facing the industry today. The 2020 Polyurethanes Technical Conference will host paper presentations and a poster session describing the latest research and technical developments for all of the important polyurethane industry sectors.

(Source: CPI)

Criteria for the acceptance of technical paper and poster abstracts include originality and relevance of the topic. Papers and posters may address breakthrough technology in any of the example topics below:

  • Applications: automotive, appliances/cold chain, construction, furnishings, recreation, clothing, medical, packaging
  • Product areas: CASE, adhesives and sealants, coatings and elastomers, binders, flexible foam, rigid foam, thermoplastic polyurethanes
  • Chemistry: chemistry and fundamentals, diisocyanates, renewable content polyols, blowing agents, flame retardants, release agents, catalysts
  • Process: processing innovations, equipment
  • Issue areas: combustibility, EHS, energy efficiency, sustainability/recyclability, transportation

Deadline for the submission of paper abstracts is 3 February 2020, final papers and presentations (if accepted) are due 12 June 2020. Poster abstracts will be accepted until 5 August 2020. Submission instructions and guidelines for development of papers and posters can be found at