Every three years elastomer experts from Germany and abroad come together in Nuremberg on occasion of the German Rubber Conference (Deutsche Kautschuk-Tagung, DKT). This key event for professionals along the complete supply chain of elastomers is a unique combination of a trade show and a conference. The exhibition offers a multitude of opportunities to network and to get profound insights into the current state of this dynamic industry and to get informed about latest developments in materials and processing technologies. The four-day conference is a podium for top-level speakers from science and industry.
The event is a unique opportunity for OEMs to get a comprehensive overview of the innovative strength and technological leadership of the elastomer industry as a reliable partner for their current and future requirements. Organiser of this meeting point for the rubber industry is the German Rubber Association (Deutsche Kautschuk-Gesellschaft, DKG).
Lecture programme with TPE-Forum
Since many years already thermoplastic elastomers are an integral part of the exhibition and the conference programme at DKT. A meeting point for TPE experts will be the two-day so-called TPE-Forum from 2 – 3 July 2018 in hall Rome of the conference center. The programme contains 22 presentations in six sessions (please find a detailed list of speakers and topic on the following pages). This event is organised in cooperation with the section “Polymere Ingenieurwerkstoffe” of the German Association of Engineers (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, VDI).
The conference programme includes a total of more than 130 presentations. Besides the TPE-Forum, there will be a University Session on Tuesday where young scientists will have the opportunity to present results from their research. The Educational Symposium on Wednesday and Thursday offers workshops and basic information for newcomers. A dedicated introduction on TPE will be offered to attendees on 5 July. A Tyre Day will be held on 3 July. The Poster Session with approximately 50 posters will be open from 2 – 5 July. The Science Campus in the exhibition area will gather scientific institutes, industry associations, universities and the trade press.

The exhibition
The trade exhibition will be rolled out in hall 12 – NCC west of the fairground of NürnbergMesse. 295 exhibitors and 3,000 visitors are expected to attend the event.
More information, exhibitor list and detailed programme at: www.dkt2018.com |
The TPE Forum at DKT 2018, hall Rome
2 July 2018, 1.30 pm – 6 pm |
Session 1: News from the TPE Manufacturers Chairman: B. Kneißl, Kraiburg TPE, Waldkraiburg, Germany |
TPE for Applications in the E&E Industry; Electrical and Thermal Conductive TPE M. Geissinger, Allod GmbH, Burgbernheim, Germany |
Simulation of TPE Materials: Common Practice? D. Besselink, J. van Haag, Code Product Solution, Schinnen, The Netherlands; J.-T. Fernhout (Speaker), G. Vroomen, Teknor Apex, Geleen, The Netherlands |
Serving Latest Automotive Trends with Sustainable and Innovative TPE Compounds T. Köppl (Speaker), F. Dresel, Hexpol TPE GmbH, Lichtenfels, Germany |
Santoprene TPV Corner Moulding in Weatherseal Applications M. Haug, ExxonMobil Chemical Central Europe – Div. of Esso Deutschland GmbH, Cologne, Germany |
Session 2: Automotive Sealings Chairman: A. Näck, Allod GmbH, Burgbernheim, Germany |
Application of Thermoplastic Elastomers in Automotive Window and Door Sealing Systems A. Rasch, Pfaff Werkzeug- und Formenbau, Röthenbach/Allgäu, Germany |
TPE Used in Automotive Glazing; Lucky Chance or Challenge? E. Butsch, Richard Fritz GmbH & Co. KG, Besigheim, Germany |
Identification and Correction of Moulding Defects During TPE Injection Moulding on EPDM Profiles M. Zabel, LWB Steinl GmbH & Co. KG, Altdorf, Germany |
Development- and Design Flaws in the Production of TPE Molded Parts and their Effects on the Injection Process T. Röder, HR-MoPrIn GmbH, Losheim am See, Germany |
3 July 2018, 8.30 am – 6 pm |
Session 3: TPE Specialities Chairman: S. Druwen, VDI FA Polymere Ingenieurswerkstoffe |
PEBA – a Unique TPE K. Salwiczek, Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH, Marl, Germany |
Copolyester Elastomers: Rubber or Thermoplastics? Both! M. Cattaneo, Sipol S.p.A., Mortara, Italy |
Pressblower – Process Technology and Applications M. Schuck (Speaker), Ossberger GmbH, Weißenburg, Germany; J. Kloock, DuPont, Neu-Isenburg, Germany |
Determination of the Temperature-dependent Visco-elastoplastic Material Behaviour of Thermoplastic Elastomers C. Zimmermann (Speaker), C. Hopmann, Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV), Aachen, Germany |
Session 4: Printing Chairman: S. Druwen, VDI FA Polymere Ingenieurswerkstoffe |
Introduction to Additive Manufacturing of Polymers – Overview of Processes, Opportunities and Challenges F. Kaut, Procter & Gamble, Kronberg, Germany |
Thermoplastic Polyurethanes in Additive Manufacturing M. Keßler, J. Hättig, T. Büsgen, Covestro Deutschland AG, Leverkusen, Germany |
Soft Thermoplastic Elastomers for Extrusion-based Additive Manufacturing S. Baumann, B. Ulmer, M. Lang, T. Hochrein, M. Bastian, SKZ German Plastics Center, Würzburg, Germany, G. Körber, Achatz & Grauel GmbH, Bad Soden-Salmünster, Germany, O. Adrian, Herz GmbH, Neuwied, Germany |
Session 5: Flowability Chairman: G. Görich, Procter & Gamble, Kronberg, Germany |
Emission and Odor of Automotive Components R. Langendorf (Speaker), J. Meiners (Speaker), Opel Automobile GmbH, Rüsselsheim, Germany |
Hard/Soft Combinations Based on PA and Adhesion-modified TPE-V: Different Flow Length/Wall Thickness Ratios and Heat Ageing Behavior S. Zepnik (Speaker), M. Leistner, Albis Plastic GmbH, Hamburg, Germany; M. Bastian, C. Deubel, SKZ – German Plastics Center, Würzburg, Germany |
Injection Molded Soft Skin – High Performance Soft Skin Solution for Automotive Interiors M. Greger, Kraton Polymers Research B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) – Processing and Recycling Behaviour E. Marten (Speaker), G. Scholz, F. Prissok, BASF Polyurethanes GmbH, Lemförde, Germany |
Session 6: Medical Technology and Drinking Water Chairman: G. Görich, Procter & Gamble, Kronberg, Germany |
TPE – A Wonder Material for the Medical Technology T. Wagner (Speaker), O. Kluge, Kraiburg TPE GmbH & Co. KG, Waldkraiburg, Germany |
Superelastic Multigraft Copolymers as Thermoplastic Elastomers for Pumps and Medical Devices R. Schlegel (Speaker), J. Wötzel, M. Beiner, Fraunhofer IMWS, Halle, Germany; H. Budde, U. Wendler, Fraunhofer PAZ, Schkopau, Germany |
Thermoplastic Elastomers in Drinking Water Applications J. Havinga (Speaker), H. Naus, G. Tuzcu, Kiwa Nederland B.V., Rijswijk, The Netherlands |
More about TPEs at DKT 2018 |
Educational Symposium: Thermoplastic Elastomers – An Overview (5 July 2018) L. Kenens, ExxonMobil Chemical Europe Inc., Machelen, Belgium • Definition of Thermoplastic Elastomers – Distinction between Thermoplastic and Elastomer Materials • Classification of TPE Material Groups Based on their Phase Morphology • TPE Materials Properties, Physical and Chemical Performance, Limitations • Processing of TPE, Characteristics • Areas of Application, Market Potential, Ongoing Developments |
University Session, 3 July 2018 |
Innovative Pressure Sensitive Adhesives (PSAs) Made of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers M. Fuensanta (Speaker), J. M. Martin-Martínez, University of Alicante, Spain |