Mixer Compounds and Teknor Apex have joined the European Masterbatchers and Compounders Association (EuMBC), which now counts 17 members.

“EuMBC is delighted to welcome two new companies. It is great to see our membership growing constantly. Mixer Compounds and Teknor Apex give our association an even more important voice in Europe. We are looking forward to working together with the two new members on common goals,” stated EuMBC president Marc Cornu, Ampacet.
About the companies:
Mixer SpA is an Italian compound producer, focusing on compounds for cable insulation, jacketing and bedding to improve the fire resistance of the final cable and using both rubber and thermoplastics compounds. Teknor Apex is an European/American compounder with six divisions: Teknor Color, Vinyl, Thermoplastic Elastomer, Engineering Thermoplastics, Chemicals and Garden Hose. |