The Danish TPE specialist Melitek just announced the groundbreaking for the new extension of the plant in Nr. Alslev. The first stage of the expansion consists of total 2 000 m² high-storage-warehouse for the meliflex products and raw materials.

“We are seeing strong growth in our meliflex products servicing the global healthcare market”, states Managing Director and co-owner Kim Laursen and continues, “therefore as a trusted supplier, we invest to continue ensuring a strong and reliable supply chain on both our inbound and outbound materials”.
“Two new warehouses are scheduled to be ready in May 2021 and enable us to storage additional 1.800 tons on the site”, adds Simon Lie, Melitek Plant Director.
The project has been awarded to a local constructor, who successfully completed earlier plant extensions for the company back in 2015 and 2018. Laursen concludes, “Even though we enjoy global export, we are pleased to support local businesses which benefits the community in and around Nr. Alslev”.