AMI Directory: Injection Moulders in Spain and Portugal

7th ed., 2017, EUR 265.00 (book) – EUR 1615.00 (platinum database)

In 2017 it was stated that Spain had the sixth largest polymer consumption in Europe, using around 2.7 million t of resin, whilst Portugal consumed approximately 700,000 t. AMI has compiled a database of Injection moulders in Spain and Portugal which gives an insight into the activities of 1,012 injection moulders in the Iberic peninsula: Spain 790 sites, Portugal 221 sites. The companies included are all manufacturing sites, no resellers or distributors or head offices are included.

The database is useful for suppliers: of materials looking for market intelligence on the opportunities for potential customers, plastics processors: requiring market data and intelligence to support business planning or investments projects, and manufacturers of machinery and equipment to identify current status of the market and plan marketing strategies. AMI provides similar databases for France, Italy, Middle East, Turkey, UK, Germany, etc.